Peachtree Garden Club Christmas Home Tour 2024 |
Thursday, December 5, 2024 10:00 am 'til 3:00 pm Christmas Home Tour 2024 Homes 3164 Andrews Drive 3534 Dumbarton Road 2411 Montview Drive 14 W. Andrews Drive |
To view Corporate Sponsorship Levels and Benefits, please click here: Click for Corporate Sponsorships To learn more about our Honorary Chair and Individual Sponsorships, please click here: Click for Individual Sponsorships To purchase General Admission Tickets, please click here: Click Here to Purchase Tickets If you have any questions, please contact us at |
Peachtree Garden Club 2023 Christmas Home Tour A Huge Success A highlight of Atlanta’s holiday season is the Peachtree Garden Club Christmas Home Tour in early December. Held annually, this community event is renowned for showcasing four of the most beautiful homes in Atlanta, decorated in imaginative holiday trimmings.
The first Tour was held in 1949, and it has raised over $1,100,000 to support the Community Fund. Beneficiaries have included the Neel Reid Scholarship Fund for the School of Environment and Design at University of Georgia, Atlanta Botanical Garden, Atlanta History Center/Swan Woods, South Fork Conservancy, Chattahoochee Riverkeepers, Historic Oakland Cemetery, Shepherd Center, and Southeastern Horticultural Society. Member volunteers enjoy the camaraderie of collaborating with multiple generations and learning from their talents, be they design or hospitality. They contribute and create décor to complement and enrich homeowners’ own holiday ornaments. Atlantans flock to the houses, each unique from one another, as an annual tradition. |
In 1947, Peachtree Garden Club (PGC) created the Neel Reid Scholarship Fund to provide support for Landscape Architecture students at University of Georgia’s College of Environment + Design. Students apply for an endowed scholarship award named after renowned Georgia Architect Neel Reid (1885-1926). Reid co-founded the Georgia School of Classicists, was a celebrated garden designer, and was dedicated to preservation and contextual design.
PGC has continued to support growth of the endowment, now hovering at over $1 million. On average, 10 to 12 graduate and undergraduate students receive awards annually. And, if any receive an assistantship, the University waives tuition, a net effect doubling of the award. Hands-on PGC committee members vet candidates and submit final recommendations to the College.
“We can spend about $50,000 a year on the Neel Reid scholarships. As a result, we attract top talent who have competing offers from other big-name schools, and we can retain them. The scholarship is incredibly competitive and great on resumes for future employment or grad school. It is life changing for students,” said Dean of the Landscape Architecture program, Dr. Sonia Hirt.
She added, “It’s about recruiting and retaining quality talent. This scholarship helps keep us highly competitive. DesignIntelligence (design and architectural ratings/survey firm) just ranked us the most desirable school to hire from. Peachtree Garden Club directly influenced this outcome. Students are shrewd and seek optimal economic terms when they select a school. With this scholarship, they can focus on learning and complete degrees on time. We are grateful to PGC for this gift.”